Amoeboceras (Hyatt, 1900) - ammonoid genre from Cardioceratidae (Siemiradzki, 1891) family. Amoeboceras were common in the boreal and sub-boreal zone of the Northern Hemisphere in the Late Jurassic, middle and late Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian. Occurred in the middle Oxfordian from genre Cardioceras, became extinct in the late Kimmeridgian. Genus Amoeboceras was described by Hayett in 1900 (Hyatt; in Zittel, Textbook of Paleontology, 1900).
Pyrite ammonite Amoeboceras alternoides from the vicinity of the village Markovo, Moscow region, Ramenski district. Upper Jurassic, Upper oxfordian.
Ammonite Amoeboceras ilovaiski with long ventral rostrum on the aperture. Neighboring of the village village Markovo, Moscow region, Ramenski district. Upper Jurassic, Upper oxfordian.
Fragmentary imprint of the Amoeboceras ilovaiski ammonite shell with ventral rostrum. Neighboring of the village village Markovo, Moscow region, Ramenski district. Upper Jurassic, Upper oxfordian.
Imprint of the Amoeboceras ilovaiski ammonite shell. Neighboring of the village village Markovo, Moscow region, Ramenski district. Upper Jurassic, Upper oxfordian.